Oceans & Fisheries

Globally, our goal is for the world’s wild fisheries to be managed sustainably, providing more fish in the sea, more food, and more prosperity for fishing communities. Key to achieving this is the alignment of incentives so that both the needs of people and the capacity of the oceans are respected. Through policy, technology and financing, we’re empowering fishing communities around the world to take a leading role in protecting ocean ecosystems and promoting sustainable fisheries. Our goal is to ensure that by 2030, fisheries in the world’s top fishing nations are more resilient to climate change.

Fishing boat

Goal: Establish Europe as a world leader in addressing climate change impacts on fisheries

Leadership in Europe

Europe is key to the global fisheries picture. It is the world’s largest trader of fishery products, with the third largest fishing fleet, and we have had a presence here since 2011. Policy in Europe has already ensured many stocks are fished sustainably but some significant challenges remain, particularly as warming seas lead to shifting stock distributions.

Europe can establish itself as a world leader in climate-conscious fisheries management: increasing both fish populations and profits for European fishermen.

With diverse industrial and coastal fisheries across the continent, it is also an area where secure, rights-based approaches to managing fisheries can be applied and showcased at a range of scales.

Goal: Create proof points of successful small-scale fisheries management in Southern Europe

Our Approach

Showcase effective solutions

Rights based management of fisheries is already in place in many European Member States. We are working to extend the number and range of examples to deliver conservation outcomes and meet local economic and social goals. We help to share best practice Europe-wide through knowledge-sharing events, fishery exchanges, networking and targeted communications.

Make fisheries climate resilient

Spur the design and uptake of new governance and management approaches that are resilient to climate and political change by identifying key challenges and sparking vital discussions among science, policy, management and industry leaders.  We will also undertake new scientific and bio-economic research and apply tools – such as ecosystem-based and Game Theoretical approaches – to fully understand and navigate Europe’s fishing future under climate change.

Management reform of Swedish fisheries

Swedish fishermen have led the charge to successfully implement the EU-wide Discard Ban with a new, rights-based management system for demersal fisheries that lets them match their quotas to their catch, and secures large fishing businesses and protects smaller players.

Swedish fishing vessel

Mediterranean and small scale

In Spain and Portugal, we work with our partner WWF to advance science-based co-management with secure fishing rights for small-scale coastal fisheries: putting fishing communities at the heart of management design and decision-making

Fishing vessel