Environmental Defense Fund Europe

mustard field

Climate and Energy

Climate change is a severe and increasing risk to global society but, in solving it, we will also address many other environmental problems, such as poor air quality. Our approach is to find ways of accelerating the transition to a zero net emissions economy. Our work focuses on reducing emissions of climate pollutants, including shorter lived but high-impact gases such as methane. We work in targeted sectors and countries to help design policies that harness the engines of prosperity toward delivering a stable climate.



Globally, our goal is for the world’s wild fisheries to be managed sustainably, providing more fish in the sea, more food, and more prosperity for fishing communities. Key to achieving this is the alignment of incentives so that both the needs of people and the capacity of the oceans are respected. We help fishermen and communities secure rights to a reliable share of the catch based on scientific environmental limits: giving them a long-term stake in the health of their fisheries.

Boats on Med

Our Approach

All around the world, people who are passionate about protecting the environment are working together to share successful approaches and scale up new solutions.

We focus on working across the political spectrum, presenting  a positive vision, investing in original science and using law and economics to find the ways that work.  


About us

Since 1967, Environmental Defense Fund has used science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships to bring a new voice for practical solutions.

Meet the team