Climate and Energy

Climate change is a severe and increasing risk to global society but, in solving it, we will also address many other environmental problems, such as poor air quality. Our approach is to find ways of accelerating the transition to a zero net emissions economy. Our work focuses on reducing emissions of climate pollutants, including shorter lived but high-impact gases such as methane. We work in targeted sectors and countries to help design policies that harness the engines of prosperity toward delivering a stable climate.


Goal: Europe has increased its commitment under the Paris Agreement, pledging to cut emissions more than the originally promised 40% by 2030 (from a 1990 baseline).

Energy Sector Transitions

Through international collaboration, we aim to spur clean energy innovation by electrifying the transportation and building sectors, updating electricity market regulations and driving new business models to increase investor confidence.

Highlighting how the carbon content of electricity changes over time demonstrates the progress being made and can help inform when to draw power.

Car charging at electric power point.

Oil and Gas Methane

Reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector is a clear, cost effective action with a big short term climate impact. We believe the interplay between science, smart policies, innovation and corporate commitments is a critical one in order to achieve meaningful global methane reductions.

It’s why each of these elements underpins our methane strategy in Europe, a big consumer of natural gas and the world’s seventh largest emitter of oil and gas methane emissions.

iceberg crop

Reducing Emissions from Shipping

Shipping underpins global trade but in doing so contributes the same quantity of emissions as Germany every year. The sector’s emissions largely falls outside the national commitments of the Paris Agreement but through the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the sector has just agreed to its own climate targets. We are working to ensure robust policies are in place to meet and exceed them.


Leadership in Europe

The European Union is the world’s largest common market with massive influence over patterns of consumption and trade. Early action in Europe helped bring about steep cost reductions in clean energy technologies, and European diplomatic efforts helped secure the Paris climate agreement in 2015.

Our aim in Europe is to secure the political will necessary to speed the transition to a global zero net emissions economy. We work across the political spectrum to find pragmatic solutions based on sound science and careful policy design.

Our goal is for Europe to lead the world in triggering a ratchet of ambition under the Paris Agreement.

clouds in the sky